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Eos 3 was incorporated in 2001 in order to develop and improve the economic and business relationships between Europe, especially Italy, and the People’s Republic of China.
Skills and experiences achieved by partners allow assuring a diversified set of solutions relating to the interchange with the People’s Republic of China in accordance with an industrial, trade and financial vision.
The company works through an organization based in Italy, offices and warehouse, and in People’s Republic of China.
Since 2002 the Representative Office of EOS 3 has been working in Beijing: a very important part of the organization aimed to develop the relationships with the most important Chinese authorities and companies.
The quality and efficiency assurance of our organization is certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001-2000 rules.
The business, born as import of manufactured products from People’s Republic of China, developed in a considerable way in a very short time and now the structure is split in the following divisions:

Best Alloy Division
Textile Division
Consulting Division
Eos 3 Bejing